Enter purchases - quick complete

When to use this procedure

Use this procedure to receive one or more items into inventory that you purchased outright without manually assigning a SKU and serial number to the item. Tri-Tech recommends that consignment and resale stores always follow this procedure, regardless of the number of items you are entering.

Refer to Enter purchases in batch mode or more detailed instructions on using batch entry for your consignments.

Refer to Enter purchases for details on entering items into inventory with a SKU and serial number using AIMsi's legacy consignment entry tool.

Steps to complete

Prerequisites: Set the IndustryType system variable to Consignment. Set the ConsignmentAddDetail system variable to N|N.

  1. Click the Receive Batch Purchase button on the Main button bar. The Pick Customer window displays.
  2. Search for or select a customer and click Select. The Enter Purchase (Batch Mode) window displays.
  3. Allow the boxes to default and click Add.
  4. Add prices and change any other values as necessary directly in the Purchased Items grid.
  5. Select Print Labels When Saved.
  6. Click Save.